The Pokémon wiki was started in 05 and thus far has 18,571 pages, 1,475,379 edits, and has 278 active users today!大人気食玩シリーズ「ポケモンスケールワールド」の新作、ダイゴ&メタグロス、ミクリ&ミロカロスが登場! 大人気食玩シリーズ「ポケモンスケールワールド」の新作、ダイゴ&メタグロ グッズ ポッチャマと一緒に暑い夏を乗り切ろう! 涼しげな「Pochama's daily life」のグッズ ポッチャマと一緒に暑い夏を乗り切ろう! 涼しげな「Pochama'sPokémon TCGO Tournament The TCG & Tabletop room is hosting their firstever Pokémon TCG Online tournament!

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At 1100 pm (PT) A Message from the Pokémon Masters EX TeamThe Pokémon Company (株式会社ポケモン, Kabushiki gaisha Pokemon) is a Japanese company responsible for brand management, production, marketing and licensing of the Pokémon franchise, which consists of video game software, a trading card game, anime television series, films, manga, home entertainment products, merchandise, and other⚔️🛡️ Introducing new Pokémon of the Galar region Play with Pokémon in your Pokémon Camp Put on your favorite clothes, get a new hairdo, and set out on your adventure in style Make your
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